
Sunday, May 27, 2007

How rational is faith? 

"Why christian" is not really a very good advertisement for foloowing christ because we all need much more than a reason to follow Christ .

Pure logic won't get anyone to make the huge step it is to trust someone you can't see in a world that clearly builds its superficial success on getting what you want for yourself .
The logic of putting self somewhere eles than first place is alien logic to all of us .even einstein put a z into the equation

If A equals success, then the formula is _ A = _ X + _ Y + _ Z. _ X is work. _ Y is play. _ Z is keep your mouth shut. -- Albert Einstein
Enough logic - try looking more deeply at the world in which you live - about who really wins and who is really blessed! For the sustainable view of life Read psalms Try Psalm 67 .

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